Discovery Insights Colours

Insights Discovery will change the way you see yourself and others

It’s a powerful aid to self awareness that can be used at work or home.  Based on the psychology of Carl Jung it is an easy to use, fun and effective internationally recognised tool to understand more about yourself and others, opening up communication, increasing productivity and working better, together. 

The four colour model which helps people understand their style, their strengths and the value they bring to the team. The colour energies are a unique mix of Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue which determines why people behave the way they do. 






Delivered as an engaging and interactive one-day or half-day workshop, Insights helps create a common language that makes it easier to identify strengths, address weaknesses and build relationships so that individuals and teams can perform to their highest level.  

The methodology is easy to understand and practical to apply so come start that journey of self discovery with us.

Insights Discovery is suitable for all levels and gives learners the foundation of self awareness they’ll need to be successful at whatever they do; whether that’s developing themselves, working as part of an effective team or leading others with authenticity.   It can also be delivered virtually or face to face.


The impact of Insights Discovery isn’t simply in the profile you receive – although that, in itself, is outstanding. No, it’s what you take with you when you go back to the day job. Once the workshop or coaching session is over, we’re not content to just leave it there – and neither should you be.

The real breakthrough will happen in your business when the lessons of Insights Discovery are applied back in the real world. When communication is consistently clear and respectful, when managers know how to motivate their people, when salespeople beat their targets by understanding how to relate to their customers, and when everyone on the team is working towards the same goals, you’ll realise the measurable impact that investing in people development can bring.

If you’re now thinking what a day of Insights might look like and what the investment cost in your people might be then click the links below for some more details:

If you’d like to know more about Insights and how we can help you please get in touch below –

Core sessions available

  • Discovering Team Effectiveness
  • Discovering Leadership Effectiveness
  • Discovering Sales Effectiveness

Other indicative sessions available as part of a wider programme making Insights Discovery at the heart of what you do.   By applying the four colour model to a variety of business challenges it helps focus on your most important asset – your people. 

  • Resilience
  • Learning Styles
  • Self-Belief and Credibility
  • Boosting Sales Performance