How to prevent high staff turnover in the workplace
How can I prevent high staff turnover? When the job market is so competitive high staff turnover can be a major challenge for any business, causing loss of productivity, increased recruitment and training costs, and damage to the company’s reputation. In order to prevent high staff turnover in the workplace, it is important for business […]
Tips for businesses on recruitment: attracting and retaining staff
Tips and information for HR teams and leaders on how to attract and retain team members. The recruitment environment post pandemic is more complex for businesses to hire quality talent for their organisations. Companies must stand out from the rest as job seekers have more options in their search with there currently being more roles […]
Recruitment pet peeves and how to avoid them from a recruiter’s perspective
With a reported one in four Brits looking to change their job, in what has been dubbed ‘The Great Resignation’, many of us will be looking for a new challenge this year. Whether this has been brought on by burnout from the pandemic or just natural next steps in moving roles, many will be updating […]
Unconscious bias in recruitment and hiring
Unconscious bias is a widespread issue in recruitment that needs addressing and is a lot more common than you think. People within your organisation may have been using it without realising when recruiting and it could be hindering you from finding the best talent. What is unconscious bias? An unconscious bias, also known as an […]